Make A Payment
Need to make a payment? Please click on the PayPal button make your payment using PayPal. Please include information for what your payment is for and/or your child’s name for recording purposes. Without this information, we may not be able to apply this payment to your account!
(No PayPal account is needed! Just click on “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” to make a one-time payment without an account. Provided online payment totals will include a merchant processing fee.)
Please do not make a payment on this page unless you have spoken to an Executive Board Member who has provided you with your exact payment amount.
Payments by cash or check are also accepted. Please deliver in person to an Executive Board Member or mail to:
P.O. Box 701
Griffith, Indiana 46319
Please contact us via email at griffithyouthbaseball@gmail.com for any questions.